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[求职找工] 远大投行基金管理课程,7月14第四期有机会推荐13年8月fulltime实习机会招生

信息编号:14128 发布时间:2013-03-22Sydney/悉尼
远大投资银行实战特训班7月14日班招生-有机会推荐投行实习随着职场进入了后学历时代,一纸文凭是否足以为您提供求职优越感呢?学历之外的“素质训练”将被用来证明你比别人更优秀。饱读诗书想再投资领域大展身手的您,会不会因缺乏经验在激烈竞争的澳洲职场无用武之地?甚至退而求其次的选择其他行业发展?如果能够获得投资银行工作经验,这必将为你今后的职场打拼开拓一条不一样的道路 远大重磅推出投资银行基金管理课程,将由我们外聘的高级投资银行分析师有机的将实际工作经验与培训结合起来,为你进入投行领域铺平道路。无论你是新手还是有经验的求职者,都会体会到投行的魅力。无论您是想了解如何进入澳洲投行领域,还是希望获得海外的投行工作经验,拿到海外投行的推荐信回国谋求投行职位发展,我们的顶级分析师都会为您带来全新的理念与能力升级。成功完成课程有机会推荐进入基金投资公司,投资银行实习三个月,如HSBC,Citigroup , RBC Dexia, State Street,Credit Suisse 等。 每年这些大的投行都会招聘大批实习生,实习期过后可以有50%的人获得permanent contact offer. 我们的课程旨在让你顺利的走入投行领域,进入公司后马上得到上手和展现的机会,并为你获得full time contact增加胜算。 价格:$2380授课语言:中文/英文难易等级:中/高课程时间:每周日10am-5pm,长达50个小时的超长讲解,实际基金投资分析入学条件: ・具有澳洲金融、会计学历(Tafe, Bachelor, Master 在读或毕业)・TR Holder 需非Accounting专业・对PR Holder的专业无特别要求如对实习工作有兴趣的,请尽快在2013年7月14日之前报名,所有实习工作的招聘工作将于2013年5月初结束,请马上行动。实习均为full time工作,所以如果在校学生有课程的请谨慎考虑。实习地点在悉尼或墨尔本。说明:工作推荐费用不包含在课程费用内。 投资银行实战特训班Online Enroll咨询电话 0488888362/ 0434626750    咨询QQ:2253013766课程设置:    Session one and two: Introduction of the fund administration industry (6 hours)ØStructure of fund administrationØFund administration division and define administrator’s rolesØRules and regulationsØIdentify regulatory filings and framework governing fund administrationØHow all the parties involved working togetherØTestsSession three: Introduction to Derivatives (3 hours)ØHistory of the derivativesØWhat are the derivativesØTypes of different derivatives: Exchanged traded and OTCØMajor parties involved in the derivative marketsØHow to use the derivatives in the realityØRisksSession four: Fund administration application on the ETD products (future and options) (6 hours)ØFund administrator’s role by using the opposite accountØHow to book the margin and the effect of the margin instructionsØHow to book future trades on domestic fundsØHow to calculate the profit and loss on the close tradesØHow to sum up the total for unrealized value on the futuresØHow to book option trades on domestic fundsØHow to calculate the option premiumØHow to sum up the total for option valueSession Five: Fund administration application on the OTC products (Swaps) (6 hours) ØAccounting and custody treatments for the SwapsØHow to read the Swap contracts and instructionsØMajor types of the SwapsØHow to book the Swap and OTC option tradesØHow to calculate the Market to market value of the SwapsØHow to liaise the settlements with client teamSession Six: International and sophisticated funds derivative treatments (6 hours)ØWhat are the sophisticated investment funds in the worldØThe treatments of the foreign exchange tradesØThe treatments of the international tradesØThe treatments of the interests on each currencies every monthØThe treatments of the GST and tax refunds of every tradeSession Seven: Corporate actions events introduction and fund administration treatments (3 hours)ØDifferent types of CA eventsØImpact of the CA event ØThe methods of processing the corporate actionsØBookkeeping and reporting of the CA events from administrators’ perspectivesSession Eight: Introduction to fund accounting and custody (6 hours)ØFund accountants’ duties and engine room of the industryØDaily pricing requirements and how to check the reporting for every fund.ØAssets, liabilities and equity components on the balance sheets for every single fund.ØCheck the income statements for every fundØHow to calculate the NAV (net asset value) for the funds for the clients’ deliverablesØPrepare the daily and monthly risk packs for the tolerance check and abnormal breaksØHow to check the rate of return for the funds depending on the structures to oversee the final health check of the fundsSession Nine: Year-end pricing and review (3 hours)ØStakeholders of the YE partiesØYear-end preparations of various parties on operationsØYear-end period and every party’s responsibilities during that periodØHow to price the funds with YE purposes and according to the YE financial statements requirementsØRisks associated Session Ten: Distribution of the funds and ex YE pricing (6 hours)ØKey terms introductions and key stakeholders involved in the ex YE periodØFlow of the distribution process ØResponsibilities and tasks of every party in the circle of distributionØRisks associatedØHow to calculate the 1st 2rd and 3rd pricing offline after the year-end.ØHow to distribute the dividends for various levels of the fundsØHow to calculate the value per share on the funds level如果对Superannuation Fund感兴趣的同学可以只加$90可进一步学习澳洲Super fund investment 领域Session Bonus: Introduction to the Australian superannuation (3 hours)ØSpecialty of the SuperannuationØTypes of the Super fundsØThe differences between self-managed super funds and public super fundsØThe prospects of the super funds in the futureØThe reporting and preparing statements for the super funds in administrators wayØOpportunities and risks
